Summoning - a spatial conversation on and with the ghostly

1st appearance: June 16th from 12am to 12pm at The Institute for Endotic Research

with contributions by Yelyzaveta Burtseva, Karin Ferrari, John Facenfield, John Hussain Flindt, Lisa Hoffmann, Sebas Kokesch, Olivia Lennon, Arjuna Neumann, Stella Ruszkowski & Naomi Heimann, Miriam Schenkirz, Liese Schmidt, Marco Schröder and ess whiteley

hosted by Lisa Hoffmann and Liese Schmidt

Over the course of twelve hours "summoning" is a collective research and exhibition-in-process event under the motif of the séance, consisting of talks, performances and radio- and media-artistic interventions.

Guests and contributors were asked before the event to respond to the invitation to the séance with questions, ideas, research, text, images, videos and more about the ghostly and that or those which and who haunt. Starting at noon with an empty room, all collected material will appear in the space in the form of ongoing actions and appearances until 10 pm.
"Summoning" happens in three parts:

        12 am to 5 pm – establishing contact 
performative exhibition of research and artistic contributions by Olivia Lennon, Miriam Schenkirz, John Flindt, Arjuna Neumann, ess whiteley, Stella Ruszkowski & Naomi Heimann, Marco Schröder, John Facenfield, Marco Schröder, Lisa Hoffmann, Liese Schmidt
from 4 pm Esoteric Texting 01 Ghost EditionLecture/Performance by media artist and medium Karin Ferrari via Telegram

        5 pm to 10 pm – appearances
5 pmψ [magnetic] fanfiction – reading by Liese Schmidt
5:45 pm+ screening of DECODING The iPhone Xs. A Techno-Magical Portal by Karin Ferrari
6:30 pmDead but Unburied – The Ghostly Labour of Mourning – talk by Sebas Kokesch
7:00 pmScreening of On Ugodnichestvo pt. 1 by Yelyzaveta Burtseva
8:00 pmsound performance by Marco Schröder+Screening of ( ghosts are made of bedsheets ) by Lisa Hoffmann

        10 pm to 12 pm – reflections
You are invited to reflect on and assemble all appearances of the day with us.
